Countertop Cleaning: Using the Right Products to Retain Their Beauty

February 13, 2017

Custom countertop materials have become a popular choice for homeowners. But with so many options on the market—from granite to glass—the cleaning methods are as varied as the materials themselves.

While it’s best to follow the care instructions provided by your supplier, here’s a list of popular countertop materials and some dos and don’ts to keep them clean and maintain their beauty.


Granite, Marble & Concrete

  • Use: Water and dishwashing liquid with a soft cloth or sponge. For stubborn stains, mix dishwashing liquid with a small amount of rubbing alcohol, which also has antiseptic qualities.
  • Avoid: Bleach or any products containing ammonia, vinegar or lemon; they are too acidic and will erode the sealant.


  • Use: A wood cleaner to maintain shine and an all-purpose cleaner to remove bacteria. Lemon juice removes stains; add salt to the lemon juice for more abrasion. Warm mineral oil prevents warping and cracking.
  • Avoid: Vinegar unless the wood has been sealed; it can dissolve the glue that binds the wood and cause splintering.

Stainless Steel

  • Use: A stainless steel cleaner for smudges. Remove rust stains with a mild abrasive cleaner or baking soda mixed with lemon juice.
  • Avoid: Water, which causes spots and damage if left long enough.


  • Use: Soap and water to clean up stains and spills. Glass cleaners will keep it looking its best.
  • Avoid: Harsh cleaners, especially those with high acid content because they can damage the surface.

Quartzite & Quartz

  • Use: Water and dishwashing liquid with a soft cloth or sponge.
  • Avoid: Bleach or any products that contain bleach

Even the kitchen counters of professional chefs can show wear and tear over time.  But proper care and maintenance will help keep them looking like new for years to come.