Local Long & Foster agents were able to help ensure local children stay warm throughout the winter months at a recent event. Operation Warm is a project of the Glen Riddle Rotary Club which, along with partners Riddle Memorial Hospital and Wawa Corporation, works with the community to provide new warm winter coats to local children in need.
Since 1999, the Glen Riddle Rotary Club has provided winter coats to almost 7,000 area children. The children are identified by their schools as being in need of warm clothing. Each child received a coat, hat, scarf and gloves, which were distributed at Riddle Memorial Hospital earlier this month.
For more information about Operation Warm, visit http://www.rotary7450.org/GlenRiddle/MAIN.htm. For more information about Long & Foster, the largest independent residential real estate company in the United States, visit LongandFoster.com.